Date(s) - October 28, 2021
12:00 am

Pumpkin Shot Challenge 

for our clients starting Saturday, October 1st, 2021
Here’s the Details….
Challenge will run October 1st thru October 30th but Shhhhh we will only announce a week at a time
Clients will grab a pic with pumpkins that equal how much weight they’ve lost. They will post this pic on their personal Facebook timeline tagging their coach saying:
These pumpkins represent the amount of lbs I’ve lost. Down (x)lbs!!! Man I love this program. Pumpkin Shot
One normal size pumpkin is on average 10 pounds! They will Take a picture with the amount of “pumpkins they’ve lost” OR how many they’d like to lose this season!
Then they will go to the client support page and comment on the pumpkin shot post, saying “I posted my pumpkin shot (and tag their coach)!”
If someone asks them what program, they will say “My coach will pm you!”
This will be their entry into the drawing.
Weekly Winners will be drawn on Oct 7th, 14, 21, 30 after Midnight eastern time.
Contest dates October 1st – 7th, 2021 then 8-14, 15-21, 22-30th
Winners will receive $50 wellness credits.
Multiple winners will be selected.
Limited to one entry per week