Client Notebook Setup

Having our systems in place is one of the keys to being in mission and offering health to many. We have found the best way to use your Client and Health Coach Support System is to use notebooks. This allows you to grab your phone and notebooks and offer hope & health from anywhere!! This page contains detailed instructions on setting up your New & Active Client notebook.

Client Notebook

Please connect with your business coach for guidance on successfully setting up your candidate notebook.

Supplies needed:

  • 1 three ring binder (at least 1 1/2 inch)
    New Client & Active Client Divider folders from your OPTAvia success system
  • 1 set of A – Z divider tabs
  • 1 divider tab for new client section
  • 1 divider tab for time zones

Use the following list to print the Recommended Documents for this notebook:

Documents to print for Sections 2-3 notebook:

  1. OPTAvia Health Assessment Guidelines with Program Guidelines (click to print)
  2. TS Client Support Checklist (click to print)
  3. TS Client Check-in Document  (click to print)
  4. OPTAvia BMI chart (Click to print).
  5. OPTAvia 30 day guide (Order one on your next BeSlim order for your notebook or click here to download to computer)
  6. OPTAvia 3+3 guide (Order one on your next BeSlim order for your notebook or click here to download to computer)
  7. OPTAvia Coaching Guide (Came with your Coach kit)

Here is a helpful video to help you set up your client support notebook:








