
Congratulations! You are ready to assist your 1st client.
As you end the call, you will begin coaching your client. Heres what you will want to go over with your client when they say yes:
- Congratulations! They are excited!
- You will be inviting them to the client community page. Have Them watch for the invite & remind them to let you know when they are in.
- Remind them we will be sending daily messages in their support thread , be sure to review each day!
- Have them begin reading the LifeBook via PDF (this is in your first daily text to them). Challenge them to complete Element 1 before their fuelings arrive.
- Give them language to share and invite friends/family to join them!
- Encourage them to keep ALL communication is the group support. thread. This is for your learning as a new coach and for team support for your client as you are learning.
- Let your client know that they will get an email with tracking info in the next few days. Your next conversation will be the night before they start for. their journey kick off call!
Next steps
Placing your clients first order:
We recommend opening a private browser window to place the order. This prevents your client’s account from being setup under your personal coach’s account. You can find instruction for opening private browser here:
Place their order. Be sure to add the habits of health & LifeBook and enroll in Premiere
Almost all of your clients will receive an Essential Kit w/HOH Transformational System
Start FB message for your new client (1st 5) to include you, your client & your support team
Invite client to FB community page. Once you invite them – send them the link to the page and they can click join to accept. Ask them to let you know when they re in! Twice a week we will shout out and welcome all new clients. Watch for the post and show em some love.
Beginning their daily texts: (Click here for daily texts) (via your group fb message with your support team and your new client). Save this google doc link to your computer and the notes in your phone for easy access
Here is another great tool called “My Path to Health.” Follow the steps in this link – CLICK HERE! *Connect with your support team to learn how to utilize this*
Print this document to add to your clients health assessment Click here to print. This includes:
Client Support Checklist – for tracking texts, keeping notes, etc.
I+Q=A (Coach Candidate Form) – Your coach will assist you to use this form as you get to know your clients and see how coaching could be a match for them.
Co-coach 2 clients (more if needed) x 2 weeks with support team
Clients 3,4,5 will have a Client Celebration Call (CCC) with you and your Business coach at 1 week & 3 weeks
Track clients order, confirm they know arrival date & what is their start date