Ready to Explore - Rosmerry - link this to explore toggle page

Basic Tips for Supporting Your New Coach
Use this hub along with your support team and the New Health Coach Checklist. Save the hub to your homescreen for easy access (here’s a video on how to save the page to your home screen: ADD VIDEO ROSMERRY)
- Keep ALL communication with new coach in their facebook support message with support team (FIBC or higher)
- Always schedule your next call before ending call
- Make sure you are using the New Coach section of the Team SNAPP website and directing your coaches their as they move through their training
- Use “New Coach to Senior Coach Checklist” as a guide
- Keep it simple and Remember JUST IN TIME training!!
- If you have a new coach that is not moving forward or having any challenges, connect with your support team
- Posture the value of community (team snapp FB coach page & team snapp training zooms)